Simple way to have map on your website

If you need to present map with a precise location on your page there are few ways you can do that:

  1. you have to add kolo-widget script to your page
  2. kolo-location-widget

Kolo widget script

Kolo widget script will is a javascript code that needs to be added to your page. You should do it only once.

<script async src="" charset="UTF-8"></script> 

Kolo location widget

<div name="kolo-location" data-kolo-link="560242338a2bc67bd7000002"></div>

Where 55fbd0d08a2bc62b67000002 is the kolo link_id.

…and the result will be this:

aditional adjustments can be applied:

  1. width: data-kolo-width
  2. height:data-kolo-height
  3. map zoom: data-kolo-zoom
  4. map type: data-kolo-type [satellite]

For example:

<div name="kolo-location" data-kolo-type="satellite" data-kolo-link="560242338a2bc67bd7000002" data-kolo-width="600" data-kolo-height="150" data-kolo-zoom="6"></div>

And remember we are in “beta”, please comment and report any problems that you might experience while using our product.

Thank you

Kolo development team